Sail Sand Point

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Sand Point Opti Team

Spring, Summer, and Fall for ages 8 to 15

The Sand Point Opti Team is aimed at sailors who wish to hone their racing skills in one of the most dominant one design race boats in the world. Racing is primarily during the Summer months, with the shoulder Fall and Spring seasons used to continue to develop racing skills in both the Optimist and a variety of other boats.


The S.P.O.T. team is divided into two groups: Development and Advanced. Development Opti is for sailors new to racing, Advanced Opti is for sailors with race experience, excited to learn more. Spring season is March through mid June, Summer season is late June through early September, and Fall season is mid September through mid November.


Development Opti Spring Season:

March 11th – May 29th (Mon/Wed) 4:30pm-7pm

Advanced Opti Spring Season:

March 12th – May 30th (Tues/Thurs) 4:30pm-7pm


If you have questions about the Opti team, please email Head Coach of Racing Alec Wade (

Race Team Dues

Sail Sand Point utilizes a tiered dues structure for our youth racing programs and offers scholarships to any youth racing participants in need.

Families can choose between paying market rate or a more supportive rate; can request a subsidized rate; or apply for a scholarship.

All race team dues payments will be managed through Active Network.

Families are not beholden to pay at the same tier over multiple seasons. The tier a family chooses will have no impact on their sailor’s standing in the program.

Please refer to the Race Team Dues page to choose what is best for your family.