Open Boating Rentals
SSP uses an online reservation system for all sailboats.
Paddlecraft are walk-up only.
As a returning user, you have the ability to sign into your Open Boating account, view boat availability on the day of your choice, and make a reservation.
With this online system take note:
- Paddling equipment (SUPS + Kayaks) are walk up only!
- Each account may reserve up to 3 sessions at a time. We request that you limit yourself to one reservation per day.
- Passes are only for sale in person at SSP, if your pass is expired, or you do not have one, you can still reserve!
- Skills tests are currently walk up only. We recommend stopping by during our non peak hours, specifically before 5:30 on both weekdays and weekends.
- During the season, we recommend calling ahead during Open Boating hours to confirm the availability of skills tests. You can reach our Open Boating staff at Sail Sand Point’s number followed by the Open Boating extension; (206) 525-8782 ext. 101.
New user and first time logging in?
- Click here to access the site, select ‘Sail Sand Point’ and ‘register as a new user.’
- Create an account.
- Come to SSP to schedule a skills test and / or purchase a pass.
- Click here to access the site, select ‘Sail Sand Point,’ and ‘register as a new user.’
- Create an account. Returning Open Boaters should use the same email address they have on file with SSP.
- After verifying your email, you may view boat availability in addition to the boats you are able to check out and any valid passes.
If you are a returning Open Boater but your email does not appear linked to your account, or if you are experiencing login issues please contact the Open Boating desk at
206-525-8782 ext. 101.

Arrival and signing
out your boat

Proceed directly to the Dockmaster’s desk in the main garage bay to check in. If you need to purchase a pass or pay for your session, payment will be collected at this time.
The Dockmaster will ensure that you and your party all have an electronically signed SSP Participant Agreement prior to arrival, if not you will be asked to complete these either on your mobile device at one of our waiver kiosks. Please note that ALL children and adults participating in SSP programs must have a current participant agreement signed before participating.
Proceed to rig and launch your boat, if you need to perform a skills check, the open boating instructor will give you further instruction.
De-rig and return your boat to its designated storage area.
Check back in at the Dockmaster desk so we know you have returned safely.
Returning to shore
and signing in

Open Boating rules
- You (and everyone in your party) must wear a zipped life jacket
- You (and everyone in your party) must complete a SSP Participant Agreement
- No landing anywhere but SSP
- No drugs, marijuana, or alcohol
- Return everything where it belongs
- Check in & out with the Dockmaster
- Children under 14 must have a parent on site
- Stay within our boundaries
- Renter must be onboard
- Take care of equipment – You are responsible for damage
- Break a rule, you get a strike – Three strikes you may not rent for the rest of the season